Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Let me grieve

From cocooned tangled threads of tears let me unknot echoing half sentences, wrap them around my fragile fingers guide your fears - my moonlit trenches. Strip layers off your alloyed fixtures, let me mould gently, that melting skin; I’ll relive nightmares, be the shrine - bestow upon me the darkness within. A flowing sea of crashing defeats I stay afloat on my murdered dreams, the setting sun bleeds into my words a tragedy - life’s constant theme. Having dug beneath hardened paints I’ve learnt the scared art of blue, the ones waiting to rinse their pain let me do your grieving for you.

- Nishtha Nayar

// NaPoWriMo 2020: Day 1


Allow your wandering eyes to settle on cardboard boxes which perhaps would make you smile? Open old handmade cards - with sketch-pen-...